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About Us

Thoughts LLC is a recovery-based, client-centered program that offers after-school and summer programming that is structured, supervised, and individualized to meet the treatment needs of its participants.


Programming will occur both at the Thoughts main office, as well as off-site locations in the community. Both locations will be utilized to help our participants learn, role model, and practice appropriate social skills and other areas of treatment based on their individual goals.


Thoughts staff will also be trained and skilled in providing support to parents in the home for purposes of de-escalation and intervention if needed.

Thoughts will provide our participants with a safe, supervised, and empowering environment to develop, address, and improve skills that inhibit them from finding success at home, school, and the community.

Services will be provided by trained and skilled staff in both a small group and individual setting. Staff will work with each individual on processing daily life challenges as it pertains to their unique goals, and guide them in making safe, healthy, and appropriate choices so they can:

  • Avoid/decrease psychiatric hospitalizations

  • Avoid/decrease stays in secure detention or other out of home placements

  • Gain greater insight into their mental health and how it impacts their decision making

  • Develop and improve social skills

  • Increase and improve communication between themselves and family members and others in the community

  • Teach and guide children and adolescents in becoming self-advocates

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